Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 20 May 2023
Effects of Mastery 5Es Constructivist Teaching Approach on Secondary School Students’ Achievement in Chemistry in Rongai Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya
Ednah C. Kibor, G.C.W Ndeke, Patriciah W. Wambugu
Department of Curriculum Instruction and Educational Management

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Pages: 138-149
Keywords: Mastery 5Es Constructivist Learning Approach, Secondary School Students’, Achievement in Chemistry
Analysis of chemistry performance in Kenya since 2013 indicates a trend of below average performance. This may be attributed to the conventional teaching methods that are mainly teacher centered. Mastery 5Es constructivist teaching approach (M5EsA) may help address the problem of poor performance in chemistry though its effects have not been determined. This study investigated the effects of using M5EsA on students’ achievement in chemistry in Rongai sub-county. Solomon Four Non-Equivalent Control Group Design under Quasi experimental research was used. Sample size of 303 students. Chemistry Achievement Test (CAT) with reliability of 0.701 was used to collect data. Hypothesis was tested using t-Test, ANOVA and ANCOVA at critical alpha value of 0.05. The findings indicated that M5EsA led to increased students’ achievement in Chemistry.
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