Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 25 August 2023
Evaluation of Demonstration Learning Models in Improving Vocational Student Learning Outcomes
Mesterjon, Suwarni, Dwi Rulismi, Supama
Universitas Dehasen, Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Pages: 173-180
Keywords: Effectiveness, Demonstration Method, Student Learning Outcomes
Technology 4.0 is currently developing rapidly, which has been used in various fields. One of them is as a tool in the field of education. The use of technology in the 4.0 era in learning is a necessity, including digital simulation learning. The use of Technology 4.0 in the world of education, especially in learning, will have an impact on the teaching and learning process to become more creative and competitive. Of course, in its implementation, it is necessary to evaluate the achievement of the learning model that has been implemented before. So this study aims to evaluate the application of demonstration learning models to improve student learning outcomes. The method used in this research is the method of observation, interviews, documentation with data collection techniques using questionnaires and observations, with a type of quantitative research. The population and sampling used in this study were teachers and students of Computer Engineering and Vocational High School (SMK) Network Engineering classes in Bengkulu with a focus on digital communication simulation lessons. Sampling data using several schools from the total sampling, the pattern of determining the sample by taking a number of samples determined randomly from a number of populations studied. Based on this, data samples were taken randomly from a number of teachers and a number of students from several schools. As well as data analysis using quantitative descriptive using the t-test. So, it was found from the results of the t-test showing the value of the questionnaire instrument, verified for the demonstration method (post-test) the average value (mean) is in the range of values of 33.27 and the standard deviation value (Std. Deviation) is in the range of 2.195. While the student interviews using the demonstration method (post-test) are in the range of an average value (mean) of 7.73 and a standard deviation value (Std. Deviation) is in the value range of 1.214. This shows that there is an effectiveness of the demonstration method on student learning outcomes in vocational high schools.
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