Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 17 January 2020
Evaluation of Greek Second Chance Schools in Prison by Detainees
Vasiliki Papaioannou, Evaggelos Anagnou
Hellenic Open University, Greece

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Pages: 10-22
Keywords: Correctional Adult Education, Second Chance Schools, Evaluation
With the establishment of Second Chance Schools (SCS) inside Greek prisons, a more systematic and integrated effort was made for the overall development of trainees. Many studies have been conducted regarding the work that SCS provide. For this reason, a systematic review of the relevant bibliography and a compilation of the findings of the studies realized between 2006-2018, regarding the evaluation of the educational program provided by SCS in the prison, was considered appropriate. The results demonstrate that all inmate trainees evaluate SCS positively, concerning the educators, the school climate, the curriculum that incorporates subjects that cater for their educational needs, the active teaching techniques and flexibility in syllabus. On the other hand, trainee inmates make negative judgments about the organizational part mainly, while in the curriculum they point out some failures and deficiencies, especially in relation to their future professional reintegration.
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