Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 08 July 2023
Experience Future Career: The Paradigm of Applied Learning Curriculum in Hong Kong Secondary School
Xuan Zhao, Chaocheng Zhou
Hong Kong Macao Taiwan Research Center

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Pages: 49-63
Keywords: Applied Learning, Curriculum Paradigm, High School, Vocational Education, Hong Kong, Mainland China
Applied learning implies an educational philosophy and learning method in which students master skills, practice theories, and operate models through usage. In the context of the new academic structure in Hong Kong, applied learning courses are elective courses for secondary schools committed to reshaping vocational-oriented education. After 20 years of development, applied learning curriculums in Hong Kong senior secondary schools have a complete operational framework, which reflects the essence of the diversified integration and multi-pathway. This paper aims to draw a broad picture of vocational education in secondary schools through applied learning. Applied learning paradigm in Hong Kong achieves parallel connectivity between vocational education and general academic education and can be regarded as an effective model for promoting the coordinated development of vocational education and general education in secondary school. Provide a reference for the trial promotion of vocational-oriented education in mainland China's general high schools. The coexistence of mixed vocational education in comprehensive high schools is a significant feature of the applied learning curriculum, which is conducive to improving the current situation of separation between general high schools and secondary vocational schools in mainland China. Applied learning curriculums could enrich the connotation of recent high school career education and promote the integration of vocational education and general education in the secondary education stage.
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