Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 09 May 2023
Exploring a Blended Learning Comprehensive Transformation Process for a Non-Lab Based Graduate Course at UAE University
Khaled Galal Ahmed
UAE University

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Pages: 124-137
Keywords: Blended Learning, Engineering Education, Architectural Engineering, Graduate Education, Non-Lab Based Courses
Blended Learning (BL) as a teaching method has been conceived to be an efficient replacement for the conventional face-to-face teaching method. This is because it merges between student-instructor in-class interaction and the flexibility of learning outside the classroom’s place and time. United Arab Emirates University has adopted a recent transformation initiative to BL guided by a clear comprehensive strategy and efficiently supportive tools. This research explored the actors, actions, and outcomes of this BL transformative process in one of the pioneering non-lab based master level courses. The research explored the logistics, infrastructure, technical support, and training provided by the UAE University as essential pillars for the BL courses transformation. The assessment of the degree of success of this BL transformation process was undertaken through the assessment of the attainment of the Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs), Instructor and Students Opinion Surveys and face-to-face interviews. The results of this assessment process indicate that the comprehensive, well planned, and the efficient technical support for the BL transformation process have resulted in a successful model that might be easily replicated in similar higher education institutions. Still, some technical problems have emerged and solutions have been suggested to them to assure the successful implantation of the BL transformation in other courses.
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