Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 13 October 2024
Exploring the Role of Educational Videos in Teacher Training: Usability, Satisfaction, and Pedagogical Intentions
Vasileios Neofotistos, Eleni Mavropoulou, Christos Stergiou, Sofia Aslanidou, Andreas Oikonomou
University of Macedonia, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, ASPETE

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Pages: 71-82
Keywords: Educational Videos, Teacher Training, Digital Literacy, Multimodal Learning, Video-Based Learning (VBL)
The rapid evolution of technology in the digital age has led to its widespread adoption in daily life, which has significantly influenced many sectors, including education. A total of 145 students were enrolled in this study conducted in The Higher School of Pedagogical and Technological Education’s (ASPETE) Educational Technology and Multimedia course. The course included both theoretical and practical components, with students creating and utilising digital videos. A structured questionnaire with multiple evaluative variables was used to collect data on students' experiences and perceptions regarding the creation and use of educational videos. The findings clearly demonstrate that future educators intend to incorporate educational videos into their teaching practices. This highlights the necessity for teacher training programs to incorporate digital literacy and multimedia tools into their curriculum. The analysis conducted using Jamovi 2.3.18 revealed a significant positive correlation between usability, satisfaction, and the intention to use videos. This study will highlight the satisfaction of the future educators who participated in this process concerning of educational videos in enhancing learning experiences and provide insight into their effectiveness in modern pedagogical practices. It will advocate their inclusion in teacher education programs.
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