Future Time Perception and Examination of Depression Terms of Hope
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Education Quarterly Reviews

ISSN 2621-5799

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Published: 24 May 2021

Future Time Perception and Examination of Depression Terms of Hope

Fatma Çetin, Mehmet Kaya

Sakarya University, Turkey

asia institute of research, journal of education, education journal, education quarterly reviews, education publication, education call for papers
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Pages: 371-383

Keywords: Future Time Perception, Trait Hope, Depression, University Students and Goal


The aim of this study is to examine the depression levels of university students according to their perception of future time and hope. The research is a relational screening study and it was conducted with the participation of 1st and 4th year undergraduate students studying in various departments of different universities (n = 368). The data of the study were collected using the Future Time Perception Scale (FTPS), the Trait Hope Scale (THS) and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). In the analysis of the data according to the research questions; independent sample t test, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were used. The data of the research were analyzed with the SPSS 24.0 package program. As a result of the research, weakly significant relationships were found between future time perception scores and hope scores, while moderate and high negative significant relationships were found between hope and depression scores. According to another result of the study, when the perceptions of future time and hope levels of 1st and 4th grade students were examined to predict depression, it was concluded that while future time perception was not a predictor of depression, hope scores predicted depression. According to the results of the research, when the future time perception, hope and depression levels were compared, it was found that the future time perception and commitment scores of the 1st grade students were higher than the 4th grade students.


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