Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 25 June 2022
Investigation of Mindfulness Levels of Individuals Playing Team and Combat Sports
Murat Atasoy
Ahi Evran University, Turkey

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Pages: 557-566
Keywords: Mindfulness, Individuals Playing Team, Team Sports, Fighting Sports, Sports Type
In this study, it is aimed to examine the mindfulness levels of individuals who do team and fighting sports. The research was conducted using the descriptive survey model. While the universe of the research consists of active athletes in clubs affiliated to Provincial Directorates of Sports, the sample consists of a total of 748 athletes, 469 men and 279 women, selected by random sampling method in 2022 actively doing sports in different branches. The data were collected with the athlete's mindfulness scale, which was adapted into Turkish by Tingaz (2020). The collected data were analyzed with the SPSS 20 program. Percentage and frequency values were taken for the demographic variables of the participants, distributions for the fight and team sports branches. Since the data were not normally distributed, non-perametric test methods were used. Kruskal-Wallis H test was used for group comparisons and Mann-Whitney U tests were used for pairwise comparisons. There was no significant difference in the sub-dimensions of "awareness," "no judgment," "refocus" and "mindfulness" according to the gender and age variable of the athletes. When the level of conscious awareness is examined according to the type of sport; There is no significant difference in the level of “no judgment,” “refocusing” and “mindfulness”. In the “Awareness” sub-dimension of mindfulness, the difference was found to be significant in terms of sport type. When the mean rank in mindfulness and sub-dimensions is examined, the mean rank values in fighting sports are higher than in team sports. According to fighting sports branches, there is no significant difference in the sub-dimension of " no judgment". In the "Awareness" sub-dimension of conscious awareness, the difference was found to be significant according to fighting sports branches. As a result, when the fighting sports branches are examined, it has been determined that the Kickboxing branch has the highest average value of the group in mindfulness and sub-dimensions.
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