Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 18 February 2022
Meaningful Learning in English as a Foreign Language Classrooms: A culinary experience as Comprehensible Input
Cevallos Párraga José Andres, Jhonny Saulo Villafuerte Holguín
University Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí (Ecuador)

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Pages: 185-200
Keywords: Comprehensible Input, Multimedia, Cooking, Meaningful Learning, English as a Foreign Language
Foreign Language educators and researchers still refine meaningful instruction and engagement to motivate secondary education students. This research aims to enhance learning environments and analyze students' exposure to English vocabulary through a collection of culinary videos as Comprehensible Input in English as foreign language (EFL) classrooms. The participants were high school students from a public educational institution in Manta-Ecuador. This study is ascribed to the post-modern paradigm, using a hybrid approach and audio-visual technology research as a teaching resource. The instrument used is the students’ motivation for learning of Acevedo, et al. (2022). The techniques for determining this research were non-random sampling and data collection with surveys, interviews, and class observations. The research results demonstrated that learners recognize foreign language vocabulary when creating a cooking recipe or when the teaching process is authentic, dynamic, and innovative. Moreover, exposing learners to an artistic experience increases participants' motivation to practice a foreign language. It is concluded that EFL learning environments can be more meaningful when instructors use videos as Comprehensible Input.
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