Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 03 February 2023
Opinions of Arabic Prep Class Students on the use of YouTube in Teaching Arabic
Gürkan Dağbaşı, Yasin Murat Demir, Murat Özcan
Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University, Turkey

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Pages: 152-158
Keywords: Arabic Teaching, Social Media, Youtube Lessons
Today, technology has become a concept that expresses a serious need in terms of individual and society, especially in the last period of the global epidemic. Technological developments, which are closely followed all over the world, contribute to the improvement of communication between people at the same rate, and as a result of this information transfer process, individuals find the opportunity to express their feelings and thoughts on various media platforms. The use of this platform, which is called social media, has the feature of responding to the social needs of crowded masses consisting of all existing cultures and segments. Because of these reasons and needs, social media has a very important place in human life with its feature that brings together large masses. Foreign language learning activities have also developed through social media, and many foreign language lessons have become common on Youtube. Among these languages is Arabic, which is spoken by approximately 450 million people in the world. Arabic is one of the most widely taught foreign languages in our country. In this context, it is clear that social media, like other technologies, creates a suitable basis for the use of education in the Arabic teaching process. In this study, the opinions of university students about the use of Youtube, one of the social media tools, in teaching Arabic are included. 200 students studying in Arabic preparatory classes within higher education institutions participated in the research; His views on the Arabic lessons given on Youtube were examined. At the end of the study, Arabic preparatory class students; It has been revealed that they think that the use of Youtube in the Arabic teaching process is beneficial. As a result of the answers given to the open-ended question asked whether Youtube lessons are advantageous in teaching Arabic; It has been determined that Youtube Arabic lessons contribute to the students in the preparation process and course repetitions at school. Another result of the study is; It has emerged that the number of Arabic lessons given on Youtube is less than other languages, which is perceived as a serious deficiency by the students.
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