Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 08 February 2023
Outcome Based Education (OBE) Based Vocational Education Model in the Era of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Constantinus Rudy Prihantoro
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia

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Pages: 228-240
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Outcome-Based Education (OBE), Creative Vocational Education Model (CVEM), Performance Vocational Education Model (PVEM)
This study is to analyze AI indicators in terms of workforce needs relevant to the industry in the application of the OBE-based vocational education. Two models of the vocational education model were developed, namely the creative vocational education model (CVEM) and the performance vocational education model (PVEM). Model testing uses SEM to confirm theoretical models depicted in path diagrams with empirical data to see correlations between constructs built into path diagrams. The research population was two groups, namely industrial practitioners, and vocational teachers. Researchers found significant positive effects of AI capabilities on CVEM, PVEM, and significant influence of CVEM on PVEM. The vocational education organizational model influenced by OBE accounts for variances related to creativity, and variance in performance. The vocational education organization model provides evidence of a positive relationship between OBE-based AI capabilities with CVEM and PVEM, as well as the very significant positive influence of CVEM on PVEM.
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