Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 03 February 2023
Parameters Affecting Training Effectiveness: A Study of Wastewater Treatment Training in Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Herawati Budiastuti, Dhyna Analyes Trirahayu, Tifa Paramitha, Bambang Soeswanto, Endang Kusumawati, Retno Indarti, Emmanuela Maria Widyanti, Pratap Pullammanappallil
Politeknik Negeri Bandung (Indonesia), University of Florida (USA)

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Pages: 168-177
Keywords: Training Effectiveness, Training Materials, Training Atmosphere, Training Facilities, Training and Plan Schedule, Presentation Mode
Training is one of many activities to improve the competencies of employees. Politeknik Negeri Bandung conducted wastewater treatment training for teachers from one of the vocational high schools in Bandung, Indonesia. To analyze the parameters influencing the training effectiveness of its training, this study employed quantitative research. Data regarding the demographics of respondents and respondents’ perceptions about various parameters influencing the training effectiveness were gathered by a survey questionnaire. In addition, the paper-based final test was used to identify the understanding of trainees about the content provided, and further, the data was used for analyzing training effectiveness. The data were then analyzed by using the statistical package for social sciences software. The findings suggested that the respondents have positive perceptions of training materials, training atmosphere, training facilities, training plan and schedule, and presentation mode. The average value of the Likert scale ranges from 3.33 to 3.89 of 4. It reflected that wastewater treatment training satisfied the trainee’s expectations from their point of view. Additionally, a positive linear correlation between the dependent parameter (training effectiveness) and five independent parameters could be inferred. The results of the study are valuable in encouraging organizations that hold training to take these parameters into account when carrying out similar training.
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