Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 01 January 2019
Selection and Appointment of Basic School Headteachers in Ghana: Looking Back to Move Forward
Dandy George Dampson, Ph.D.
University of Education, Winneba, Ghana

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The study employed the exploratory sequential mixed method design involving semi-structured interviews with 12 former and 18 current head teachers, and 4 directors of Education. Structured questionnaires were further administered to 390 former and current head teachers and 4 Directors of Education. The findings of the study revealed that in the past basic school head teachers were mostly selected and appointed based on long service and experiences, while few became head teachers because of their religious affiliation. Currently, the study established that although long service and religious affiliation still remain a factor, however, academic qualification, leadership skills, and research publications are considered as an advantage. The study recommends that at least a basic school head teacher should possess a qualification in educational administration and leadership and a well-designed pre and in-service training should also be regularly organised for them based on their needs.
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