Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 24 May 2021
Smartphone Perception and Experiences of Teacher Candidates During Covid 19 Process: What is My Smartphone for Me?
Hayati Adalar
Manisa Celal Bayar University, Turkey

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Pages: 384-395
Keywords: Covid-19, Teacher Candidates, Smartphone, Experiences, Perceptions
The purpose of this study is to reveal the experiences of the teacher candidates about their personal phones, their phone usage situations and their perceptions about their smartphones during the Covid-19 process. The mixed method procedure was followed in the study. In the quantitative dimension, the survey model was used in order to reveal the smartphone usage status of the teacher candidates, while in the qualitative dimension, the phenomenology model was used to determine their perceptions about the smartphone. The sample of the study consisted of 45 teacher candidates studying in the faculty of education at a state university located in Turkey's Aegean region during the 2020-2021 fall semester. The data of the study were collected by the researcher with a questionnaire form created by taking the literature review and expert opinion. The quantitative data collected within the scope of the research were subjected to statistical analysis. The metaphors collected in qualitative dimension were analyzed with content analysis. Research findings indicated that the teacher candidates were generally aware of the technical features of their personal phones. On the other hand, it has been determined that they are indecisive in controlling themselves about their phone usage, being dependent on their phones and being aware of their phone time. It has been observed that the teacher candidates produced metaphors for their smart phones that point to the themes of “addiction, functionality, correct use, having a happy time, socialization/communication and other.” It can be said that the research is important in terms of providing researchers and decision makers with new perspectives on the smartphone perception and experiences of teacher candidates in the Covid-19 process.
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