Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 28 June 2023
The Case Study Method in the Accounting Classroom
Diana Tien Irafahmi, Sriyani Mentari
Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia

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Pages: 258-265
Keywords: Case Study Method, Accounting Education, Higher Education, Indonesia
The case study method or the case method is an important teaching method that has been used widely in education. Despite its importance, there is limited report whether the case study method has been successfully implemented in Indonesian accounting classrooms. This research aims to investigate accounting students’ perceptions about the implementation of case study method in accounting education. This research is important to get an understanding of the usefulness of the case study method and the challenges surrounding the implementation of the case study method. A questionnaire is used to collect the data. We sent an online questionnaire to accounting students. The study found that while students believe that the case study method is quite useful for their learning and critical thinking, they also report challenges with its implementation. It is recommended that the instructor should provide sufficient guidance to complete the case study, and create an enjoyable and meaningful learning environment so that students can fully engage with the course that use case study method.
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