Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 30 April 2021
The Effect of Intelligence Games on the Vocabulary Knowledge of Refugee Students Learning Turkish as the Second Language
Derya Akçelik, Bircan Eyüp
Ministry of National Education (Turkey), Trabzon University (Turkey)

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Pages: 527-541
Keywords: Teaching Vocabulary, Intelligence Games, Teaching Turkish as a Second Language, Refugee Students
The purpose of the research is two-fold: firstly, to determine the effect of vocabulary teaching with intelligence games on the vocabulary knowledge of refugee students studying in primary school and learning Turkish as a second language, and secondly to investigate the opinions of the students about vocabulary teaching with intelligence games. The research was designed in the explanatory sequential design of the mixed methods research. The study group consisted of 40 refugee students studying in a state-affiliated primary school in Istanbul. Teaching Turkish words in the experimental group was carried out with intelligence games whereas activities in the current textbook were utilized in the control group. As a result of the research, it was found that vocabulary teaching carried out with intelligence games was effective in improving students' Turkish vocabulary knowledge. Furthermore, it was revealed that the students enjoyed vocabulary teaching activities with intelligence games and learned the words more easily.
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