Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799
Published: 15 November 2023
The Effect of Problem-Based Learning Models on Improving High School Students’ Learning Achievement
Nurmiati, Phika Ainnadya Hasan
West Sulawesi University, Indonesia
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Pages: 68-79
Keywords: Problem-Based Learning; Learning Achievement, High School Student
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the problem-based learning (PBL) model in increasing high school student achievement. This research method uses a descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The research instruments that will be used in this research and development are Biology learning achievement tests and assessment rubrics. Data analysis used SPSS 26 software for testing one paired sample t-test The results showed that the treatment of problem-based learning methods in student achievement for biology class was quite effective in increasing student achievement. This learning model emphasizes long-term learning, students are directly involved in various problems and problems of daily life, learning to understand and solve problems in life. Practical, interdisciplinary, and engaging students play a key role in the design, implementation, and reporting of results-oriented (student-centered) activities. In scientific subjects, practices involving students directly are needed. This study supports some of the results of research using the same method in the field of science and technology but contrasts with the results of research using the same method in the field of linguistics.
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