Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 22 June 2023
The Effects of Charismatic Aspects of Transformational Leadership on Personal Outcomes: An Empirical Literature Review
Lin Chunhui, Ali Sorayyaei Azar, Albattat Ahmad
Management and Science University (Malaysia), Yulin Normal University (China)

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Pages: 212-220
Keywords: Idealized Influence, Inspirational Motivation, Personal Outcomes, Empirical Review
Idealized influence, combined with inspirational motivation, constitutes the charismatic-based aspect of transformational leadership. However, few researchers examined the influence of these two traits exerting on the employee’s personal outcomes in the workplace and more research should be conducted. The goal of this paper turns to identify and analyze empirical articles on the effect of the charismatic aspect of transformational leadership on personal outcomes from the year 2013 to 2022. Such online databases like Google Scholar, ERIC, Web of Science and ProQuest were used to collect the literature. Induction analysis, narrative synthesis was utilized to analyze the articles and three conclusions can be drawn: 1) A positive impact of Idealized influence and inspirational motivation on related personal outcomes like job performance, job satisfaction and the job engagement was confirmed but the impact on job performance seems having received more concerns than the influence on job satisfaction and the engagement. 2) Most of the research are conducted in countries like Kenyan, Indonesia, Yemen, Jorden. Industries mainly involved in business sector like state-owned enterprises and private businesses, so the research context should be expanded to other places and countries and include more industries. 3) Future researchers are advised to concentrate more on the influence of idealized influence and inspirational motivation on personal outcomes such as job satisfaction, job engagement, job commitment, and the explanatory mechanism need to be more creative and innovative when supporting with a new theoretical foundation.
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