Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 11 March 2024
The Experiences of the School Principals on the Implementation of the School Improvement Plan (SIP) in Lanao Del Sur, Philippines
Norfaesha A. Balindong, Minerva-Saminah M. Naga, Wardah D. Guimba, Lotis B. Daguisonan
Mindanao State University, Philippines

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Pages: 163-177
Keywords: School Improvement Plan, School Principal, Experiences, SIP Implementation Model
This qualitative study addressed a significant research gap in understanding the experiences of school principals in Lanao del Sur, Philippines as they navigate the implementation of the SIP (School Improvement Plan). Employing a purposive selection, the study engaged twenty-nine (29) school principals in an interview to unravel major findings in three key areas. Firstly, participants' experiences unveiled the importance of strategic governance for sustainable growth, enhanced education excellence, strategic self-assessment, and effective resource management, including considerations for educational capacity and sustainability. Secondly, the facilitation of the school improvement process involves stakeholder engagement, collaborative support and development, and addressing challenges to achieve excellence. Thirdly, participants offered insights into enhancing SIP implementation, emphasizing strategic excellence, educational empowerment, and safety and sustainability. Based on these findings, the study proposes the PrinciPulse SIP Implementation Model, an eight-cluster framework encompassing key aspects like leadership, academics, assessment, resources, capacity building, stakeholder engagement, support systems, and comprehensive planning. This dynamic framework empowers principals to proactively guide SIP implementation, fostering a culture of continuous improvement, collaboration, and adaptability in Lanao del Sur's educational landscape.
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