Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799
Published: 15 December 2022
The Impact of Cognitive Competence on Critical Thinking Skills: An Educational Science Study with School Counsellors
Muhammet BaÅŸ, Yavuz Bolat
Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey
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Pages: 53-64
Keywords: Cognitive Competence, Critical Thinking Skills, Correlation, School Counsellors
Critical thinking is an important skill type. It has become a growing focus of attention. Based on the growing interest in critical thinking skills, this research examines the relationship of critical thinking with cognitive competence. Data on sub-questions were collected taking into account the main purpose of the research. This study, which is an educational science study, examines the correlational relationship. In this context, 323 school counsellors participated in the research. The data collected using the data tools used in the research (CC and CT) was examined and the results were reached. Research results show that cognitive competence is an important variable in terms of critical thinking ability. It has been concluded that cognitive competence is an important variable for the ability to think critically. The participants had no significant effect on critical thinking and cognitive competence of gender variables with the classroom. Taking into account this result, recommendations have been developed for the more efficient use of cognitive competence in critical thinking.
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