The Role of Problem Formulation in Problem-Based Learning to Improve the Students' Curiosity
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Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute

Education Quarterly Reviews

ISSN 2621-5799

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asia institute of research, journal of education, education journal, education quarterly reviews, education publication, education call for papers
asia institute of research, journal of education, education journal, education quarterly reviews, education publication, education call for papers
asia institute of research, journal of education, education journal, education quarterly reviews, education publication, education call for papers
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Published: 08 February 2023

The Role of Problem Formulation in Problem-Based Learning to Improve the Students' Curiosity

Nyoto Suseno, Arif Rahman Aththyby, Purwiro Harjati, Ratini, Dedi Turmudi

Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro, Indonesia

asia institute of research, journal of education, education journal, education quarterly reviews, education publication, education call for papers
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Pages: 214-227

Keywords: Blended Learning, Curiosity, PBL, Problem Formulation


Not many researchers report how to anticipate learning during the new normal, even though students are used to learning online, and it becomes a new challenge if they have to learn face-to-face after the pandemic ends. This article discusses PBL strategies integrated into blended learning (BL) as a solution in the new normal era to develop 21st-century skills, namely with the foundation of curiosity. This study aims to reveal the role of problem formulation in the PBL model in a blended learning framework to grow curiosity. The subjects of this study consisted of students of SMA Negeri 1 Metro and students of Physics education FKIP UM Metro. The research includes two stages, stage 1, the role of problem formulation in Physics subjects at SMA Negeri 1 Metro, to gain good experience in applying PBL, which is then applied to lectures in Higher Education, as stage 2. Data collection is carried out with documentation instruments, observations, and interviews. Data processing is carried out qualitatively based on observation through the involvement of researchers as participant observants—data analysis, including tabulation, classification, description, and interpretation to make conclusions. The results show that current learning needs to take advantage of online learning channels. The formulation of the PBL problem largely determines the occurrence of the learning process. The formulation of problems related to the application of technology is more exciting and can grow curiosity more optimally. So, it is recommended that design learning must facilitate the use of learning channels available online. The formulation of problems in PBL must be designed appropriately. It should be related to the application of technology so that the learning process runs well and can grow student curiosity.


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