Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 29 September 2023
Trainee Teachers Attitudes toward Macro-Teaching: Resource Impact and Mentors Perspectives
Isaac Amoako, Robert Kwadwo Siemoh, Vera Arhin, Ruth Keziah Annan-Brew, Adu Joseph, Kenneth Asamoah-Gyimah
Atebubu College of Education (Ghana), University of Cape Coast (Ghana),

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Pages: 277-288
Keywords: Macro-teaching, Mentors, School, Trainee-teacher, Resource
Macro-teaching is a technique used to prepare trainee teachers for the real classroom setting. This technique enables trainee teachers to experiment and learn relevant teaching skills through interactions with their lead mentors and mentors. This study assessed the attitude of trainee teachers towards macro-teaching from the perspective of lead mentors and mentors. The study also assessed the importance of school resources in macro-teaching exercise. Using a qualitative case study research design, and Braun and Clarke’s inductive thematic analysis approach 194 respondents’ responses were used for analysis. The study findings revealed a positive attitude among trainee teachers toward the macro-teaching exercise. It also revealed that school resources, particularly infrastructure and teaching and learning resources were inadequate and also not available in some public basic schools in the Bono East region. The findings found this to adversely affect trainee teachers’ competency development in the teaching profession. The study recommends that the Ministry of Education through the Ghana Education Service should provide school resources such as staff common rooms and reading materials for basic schools in the municipality to promote quality teaching and learning in schools.
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