Engineering and Technology Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2622-9374

Published: 01 June 2023
Water Resources Management and Applications using GIS: An Overview
Bashar Munieer Yahya, Khansaa Abdulelah Ahmed, Akram Mohammed Salih
University of Mosul

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Pages: 65-73
Keywords: GIS Technologies, Spatial Distribution, Forecasting, Management, Water Resources
Due to the extensive use of geographic information system (GIS) concepts, planning and design for water resources are evolving. The effects of human activity are all around us in some places, and water resources are getting harder to find. In this situation, evaluating these resources, estimating consequences, and developing plans to lessen impacts and enhance sustainability while utilizing the finest technology available are all important. While geographic information systems (GIS) offer the best tools for managing water resources and other related issues like drought and flood risk, remote sensing offers the essential data for managing these resources. Also, GIS can be integrated with many techniques like artificial intelligence models and hydrological models. This paper aims to present a comprehensive survey of the best practices and uses of GIS technologies in water resources engineering includes, water resources mapping, rainfall-runoff measurements, flood forecasting, irrigation management, water quality and drought monitoring.
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