Engineering and Technology Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2622-9374

Published: 20 September 2021
Analysis of Abandoned Mine Wastes Disposal Techniques in Malawi: A Concept of Circular Economy
Horris K. Nangulama
Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (Malawi), Zhejiang University (China)

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Pages: 1-9
Keywords: Abandoned Mine Waste, Recycling Technique, Circular Economy, Environmental Protection, Integrated Business Model
Non-operational mines mostly constitute of significant quantities of valuable mineral resources within tailings and waste rock that can be disposed properly using innovative techniques. Proper waste disposal techniques do not only reduce the need for new mines to be developed but also have broad beneficial results on mining environmental impact. This paper presents a solution on abandoned mine wastes in Malawi. Malawi government wants to embrace techniques on former mine waste recycling operations that incentivize investment. Thus, this analysis proposes abandoned mine waste recycling technique for Malawi government to adopt. Recycling technique, as one of the current direction methods, is determined for adoption. The powerful impacts of recycling principles in turning Malawi’s abandoned mine wastes into beneficial products that can support and sustain its economy are given. The concept of circular economy is prominently in the picture, so the wastes can be changed into wealth and other created benefits.
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