Engineering and Technology Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2622-9374

Published: 22 July 2020
Applying Capability Indices with Moving Average and Range Control Charts to Evaluate a Product in a Local Aluminum Plant
Tareq M. Ali
University of Technology, Iraq

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Pages: 52-62
Keywords: Capability Indices, Defects, Heat Treatment, Control Charts
The study of production processes capability is one of the most important statistical process control techniques (SPC). This study allows answering an important question; is the manufacturing system capable of producing a product with fewer defects and according to the wishes and requirements of consumer and customer? The main objective of this study is the assessment of a process capability and indices for the production process of aluminum sections regarding to weight, hardness, coating, tensile strength and heat treatment in a local aluminum plant, these aluminum sections and parts are widely used in industry, building, rails, and many other applications. The study was carried out in one of the local aluminum factory for the production of specific engineering sections, some capability indices were applied to the most affective characteristics on the quality of these produced sections; as weight, hardness, coating, tensile strength, heat treatment, these indices were applied after confirming the statistical control of the production process using the quality control charts, specifically moving average and range control charts.
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