Engineering and Technology Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2622-9374

Published: 28 January 2025
Climate Change and Its Impact on Geological Formations in Coastal Areas
Mohamed Khlifa Musa
Department of Environmental Engineering, Libya

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Pages: 1-9
Coastal Erosion, Saltwater Intrusion, Sea-Level Rise, Geological Instability, Climate Change Adaptation
Climate change poses significant threats to coastal areas, creating profound effects on geological formations and stability. This study examines the effects of climate change on erosion, saltwater intrusion and geological instability in coastal areas. Sea level rise, increased storms and human activities accelerate coastal erosion, leading to soil loss and ecosystem destruction. Saltwater intrusion threatens agricultural productivity and infrastructure security by polluting freshwater aquifers and causing soil structure deterioration. The study demonstrates how these processes contribute to increasing geological hazards such as landslides, liquefaction and structural damage. Examples from regions such as the Niger Delta, Pakistan and the Mediterranean highlight the widespread impacts of these phenomena and highlight the need for integrated management strategies. In addition, engineering solutions, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) modeling and the implementation of nature-based strategies such as mangrove restoration are discussed. The study provides adaptation and policy recommendations for the protection of coastal ecosystems and the development of sustainable management strategies. Prepared in the light of regional examples and scientific analyses, this article examines the dynamic relationship between climate change and coastal geology and suggests resilience-enhancing measures.
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