Engineering and Technology Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2622-9374

Published: 10 December 2021
Effect of Building Configuration on Overstrength Factor and Ductility Factor
Sagun Kandel, Rajan Suwal
Pulchowk Campus, Nepal

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Pages: 10-18
Keywords: Overstrength Factor, Ductility Factor, Response Reduction Factor, Pushover Analysis
It is important for the structure to be economical and still have a high level of life safety. The lateral force sustained by the structures during a large earthquake would be several times larger than the lateral force for which the structures are designed. This is opposite to the fact that design loads such as gravity in codes are usually higher than the actual anticipated load. It is based on the probability that the occurrence of large earthquakes is quite rare and the capacity of the structure to absorb energy. The co-factors of response reduction factor which is the overstrength factor and ductility factor reduce the design horizontal base shear coefficient. A total of 36 low-rise residential buildings having different storey, bay and bay lengths are selected and analysed in this paper. NBC 105: 2020 is selected for the seismic design of RC buildings while provision provided in FEMA 356:2000 is used to carry out non-linear pushover analysis. The results indicated that between the different structures, the value of overstrength factor and ductility factor has a high deviation.
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