Engineering and Technology Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2622-9374

Published: 28 June 2023
Statistical Evaluation of the Mechanical Properties of Cow Dung Ash Concrete
Omoniyi Tope Moses, Duna Samson, Moh’d Abba-Gana, Rahama, B. Shu’aibu, Abdullahi Musa
Nigerian Army University (Nigeria), Nigerian Building and Road Research Institute (Nigeria), Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University (Nigeria), Kano state polytechnic (Nigeria)

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Pages: 99-112
Keywords: Compressive Strength, Flexural Strength, Cow Dung Ash, Regression, ANOVA
Cement is the main binder in the production of concrete for construction activities. Unfortunately, the continuous use of cement results in severe environmental and energy concerns. An established way of reducing carbon footprints and the energy demands associated with cement production is the use of supplementary cementitious material (SCMs). Most supplementary cementitious materials are processed from agro-wastes and bye-products like cow dung. Although cow dung has been utilized as manure, for heating and so on, its use is yet to match the level of production. In this study, the authors propose to investigate the strength performance of cow dung ash as SCMs. Cow dung ash is the product of controlled burning of dried cow dung. Concrete beams and cubes containing 0% to 30% cow dung ash as cement replacement were cured by complete immersion in water for 7,14,28,60 and 90 days. Compressive and flexural strengths decreased as CDA increases; and increased with curing age. Concrete made with 5%, 10%, and 15% CDA and cured for at least 60 days achieved the 28days target compressive strength of 20N/mm2. The strength test results were analysed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and regression analysis. Proposed regression models showed a strong relationship between the strengths, CDA content and curing age. The proposed models were examined and found to be permissible
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