Analysis of the Effect of Business Intelligence on Competitive Advantage through Knowledge Sharing and Organizational Innovation in Export Companies
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Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute
Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute

Economics and Business

Quarterly Reviews

ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

asian institute research, jeb, journal of economics and business, economics journal, accunting journal, business journal, managemet journal
asian institute research, jeb, journal of economics and business, economics journal, accunting journal, business journal, managemet journal
asian institute research, jeb, journal of economics and business, economics journal, accunting journal, business journal, managemet journal
asian institute research, jeb, journal of economics and business, economics journal, accunting journal, business journal, managemet journal
open access

Published: 17 March 2021

Analysis of the Effect of Business Intelligence on Competitive Advantage through Knowledge Sharing and Organizational Innovation in Export Companies

Titik Kusmantini, Tri Mardiana, Rendy Pramudita

UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta, Indonesia

asian institute research, jeb, journal of economics and business, economics journal, accunting journal, business journal, management journal

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Pages: 245-254

Keywords: Effect of Business Intelligence, Competitive Advantage, Knowledge Sharing, Organizational Innovation


This study aims to analyze the effect of business intelligence on competitive advantage through knowledge sharing and organizational innovation in export companies in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The list of companies was obtained from the Industry and Trade Office. The variables used in this research were business intelligence, competitive advantage, knowledge sharing, and organizational innovation. This study uses a sample of 83 companies, using puporsive sampling technique and data analysis techniques using Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of this study indicate that Business Intelligence has a positive effect on three other variables, namely knowledge sharing, organizational innovation, and competitive advantage, and that knowledge sharing and organizational innovation have a positive effect on competitive advantage. In addition, knowledge sharing and organizational innovation are able to mediate the effect of Business Intelligence on competitive advantage.


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