Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 25 February 2020
Assessment of Relationship Between Personal Attitude and the Entrepreneurship Intention Among Students in Federal Polytechnic in Northern Nigeria
S. I. Attahiru, M. A. Olaoye, B. Isyaku, M. Abubakar
Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna State. Nigeria

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Pages: 295-298
Keywords: Personal Attitude, The Entrepreneurship Intention, Federal Polytechnic
As presently conceptualized, entrepreneurship education is implemented in Nigerian tertiary educational institutions to equip the undergraduate with business skills that would make them self-employed rather than job seekers, at graduation. The assessed relationship between personal attitude and the entrepreneurship intention among students in Federal Polytechnic in Northern Nigeria This study was guided by a hypothesis. The study adopted causal comparative (Ex-Post-factor) design. The population of the study was made up of all the students in federal polytechnics in Northern Nigeria. Simple random sampling method named Dip-hand sampling method was used to select the sampled states for the study while proportional sampling method was used in selecting respondents from each school in the selected federal polytechnics, while the sample size was 1,135. The instrument for the study was researcher’s developed Likert-type questionnaire named influence of entrepreneur courses in the development of students’ career opportunities in Universities Nigeria. Split-half reliability was used to test the reliability of the instrument with reliability index of 0.79. PPMC was used to test hypothesis six at 0.05 alpha level of significance. It was concluded that students in Federal Polytechnic in Northern Nigeria have personal attitude towards entrepreneurship intention. It was recommended that Government should provide loans to encourage small and medium scale enterprises.
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