Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 03 February 2020
Crime Treasure Islands: Tax Havens, Tax Evasion and Money Laundering
Michele Sabatino
University of Enna, Italy

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Pages: 189-199
Keywords: Tax Haven, Tax Evasion, Laundering, Off-shore company
Globalization has encouraged the introduction of economic crime at the international level. Organized crime easily entered in legitimate activities through money laundering operations. In this context "tax havens" play an essential role in the globalization of financial crime. In these places, in fact, crime launders money coming from illegal activities and reinvests it in new activities. This paper intends to examine in depth the "chain" of illegal money with reference to "tax havens," starting from their definition, and detecting the existing network between tax evasion, money laundering and reinvestment in lawful activities.
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