Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 01 June 2021
Effect of Entrepreneurial Marketing Dimensions on Small and Medium Enterprises Performance in Nasarawa State
Hindu Jibril Amin
Baze University, Nigeria

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Pages: 196-208
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Marketing, Innovativeness, Nasarawa State, Risk-Taking, SME Development, Value Creation
Entrepreneurial Marketing (EM) Dimensions play a critical role in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) performance. The extant study explored the effect of EM dimensions on the performance of SMEs operating within Nasarawa State, Nigeria. EM was conceptualized as innovativeness, risk-taking, and value creation. The research population was 1979 registered SMEs in Nasarawa state, Nigeria. The sample size was 322 which was determined using Raosoft sample size calculator. Out of 322 sets of questionnaire distributed, 136 were validly filled and returned. The data collected were analyzed using Regression Analysis technique to test the study’s hypotheses using Statistical Product and Service Solutions software. Results specify that all three of the EM dimensions under study have significant effect on SME performance. In terms of contribution to the model, the explanatory variables were able to contribute 62.1 percent to the variable of interest (SME performance). On individual basis, innovativeness explained the most to the criterion variable. The findings of this study offer important insights for owners and managers of SMEs, researchers, and policymakers to further understand the effects of EM dimensions on SMEs’ performance. SMEs should be encouraged to embrace the entrepreneurial dimensions of innovativeness, risk taking, and value creation to increase business performance.
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