Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 16 October 2019
Ethnic Consumer Markets and Movie Marketing: An Empirical Study on Marvel’s ‘Black Panther’ and Predictive Analytics of Ethnic Consumer Behavior of Moviegoers
D. Anthony Miles, Josh Garcia, Rossano Gerald, Wanda Goodnough, Lisa Mendez, dt Ogilvie, Eniola Olagundoye, Shantana Robinson, E. L. Seay
Miles Development Industries Corporation, Palo Alto College, University of Maryland Global Campus, Ashford University, IQVIA Hospital & Health Care, Rochester Institute of Technology, Texas Southern University, Northcentral University, Albany State University

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Pages: 1084-1105
Keywords: Ethnic Consumer Markets, Black Panther, Moviegoers
The purpose of this study was to examine the movie, Marvel’s Black Panther and the predictive analytics of ethnic consumer behavior of moviegoers We examined box office receipts and trends on movies and box office successful films. The problem identified as a basis for this study is to examining marketing strategy and tactics of movie marketing in terms of traditional and non-traditional media strategy to moviegoers. This study is a continuation of the researchers' prior research on movie marketing and strategy and regression model predicting box office revenue. The overall objective of this research is threefold. First objective we examine what are the key ad variables that influence movie goers to see the movie. Second, the objective examined, how many key ad factors are a major influence on movie goers to see the movie. Last, the objective examined was how many key ad variables were an influence both online and offline ticket sales to see the movie. The study sample was taken across the country. We used a three-step process in the research design. This study had a protocol of studies. First, researchers conducted a pilot study with a (N = 147) moviegoers. Second, the formal was conducted on a larger size sample (N = 372) of moviegoers. The researchers used three statistical test designs: (a) descriptive statistics; (b) principle component analysis (PCA); and a (c) structural equation modeling (SEM). The results revealed two key findings. First, there were three factors that influence movie goers of the Black Panther movie: (1) Combination PR Activities; (2) Traditional Movie Marketing Ads and (3) Current and Future Movie Preferences. Second, we found that using the movie ad variables as endogenous variables, they were strong influences on moviegoer frequency. The use of social media to get information about movies was prevalent in the data.
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