Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 27 April 2018
Factors Influencing the Behavior Intention of E-Banking Transactions through Mobile Phones in China
Li Lin, Shiqian Wang
Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, Malaysia

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With the growth of using e-banking transactions through mobile phones in China, it brings along with the convenience of people's lives as it enables people to have access to banking services anywhere and at any time as well as it conducts business more effectively. Technology acceptance model (TAM) has been applied in different contexts to examine a wide range of information technology. With mobile transactions popularity, online payments grew 33.8 percent year over year since 2014 (Marketing China, 2015). It is necessary to investigate the factors influence on customers’ behavior intention towards the e-banking transactions through mobile phones. The study employed convenience sampling technique to collect data from 500 respondents of e-banking of mobile users. The results revealed that perceived compatibility and mobility significantly affect to perceived usefulness, and further perceived usefulness significantly affect behavior intention of using e-banking through mobiles. It also examined that perceived usefulness as a mediator between the relationship of perceived compatibility and behavior intention as well as the relationship between mobility and behavior intention.
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