Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 07 September 2024
How Do Venture Capital Firms in Southeast Asia Make Investment Decisions on Early-Stage Start-Ups
Faldi Haris, Raden Aswin Rahadi
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

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Pages: 210-224
Keywords: Venture Capital, Alternative Investment, Start-Up, Emerging Economies
VC investment has undergone a substantial transition, particularly in emerging countries, where there is a growing entrepreneurial culture. Southeast Asia (SEA) has emerged as an image of trust due to its remarkable accomplishments in venture capital funding. Notwithstanding, the VC success rate is quite low, with up to 75 percent of venture-backed businesses failing to return cash to their investors and 30 to 40 percent of those 75 percent liquidating their assets, resulting in their investors losing their entire investment (Ghosh, 2012). In light of this context, this study sets out to investigate the behavior of venture capital firms in Southeast Asia and the complex decision-making processes involved. This research aims to enhance the success rate of VC firms and contribute to the advancement of VC literature by precisely identifying the relevant parameter. This study seeks to analyze the complex landscape of venture capital activities in a highly dynamic entrepreneurial ecosystem, using the complete framework created by Gompers et al. (2023). A case study, a widely recognized method in exploratory research, is used as the primary methodology to reveal novel themes and insights obtained from respondents in venture capital firms. Using a semi-structured interview, this study implies that VC fund structure and strategy, start-up screening criteria, start-up valuation, exit, and risk management have a significant effect on determining SEA VC firm investment decisions. This study is one of the first efforts to utilize Gompers et al.'s (2023) framework in the specific setting of Southeast Asia. This study contributes to the current research on venture capital decision-making by providing innovative measurement parameters, with a particular emphasis on the notion of "runway." These features, which relate to a startup's expenditure rate and its long-term viability offer a broader understanding of the financial factors that impact investments made by SEA VC companies.
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