Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 03 May 2019
Improving the Objective Well Being of Productive Zakat Recipients by Applying Islamic Micro Finance in Baitul Mal Aceh, Indonesia
Alamsyah Alwi, Mutiara Dwi Sari, Zahri Hamat, Caturida Meiwanto Doktoralina
University College Bestari (Malaysia), Universitas Mercu Buana (Indonesia)

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Pages: 230-236
Keywords: Objective Wellbeing, Productive Zakat, Baitul Mal, Cross-Sectional Study, Aceh Indonesia
This study was aimed to identify the level of objective wellbeing of the productive zakat recipients in Baitul Mal Aceh Indonesia. A descriptive quantitative approach using an average score to measure the level of objective wellbeing was carried out. A total of 498 productive zakat recipients were involved in this study. The findings showed that the average level of objective well-being of the productive zakat recipient for six dimensions (economic, house, health, educational, vehicle and time) is still moderate. Even for age groups ≥64; the barber and low educated respondents are still at a lower level of objective wellbeing. Therefore, Baitul Mal Aceh needs to increase the amount of microloans together with the provision of business expertise and management courses to enhance the efficiency of objective wellbeing of productive zakat recipients.
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