Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 24 July 2023
Influence of Green Marketing Mix on Purchase Intention of Vietnamese Consumers for Green Food
Nguyen Hoai Long, Le Thuy Huong, Nguyen Huu Dung
National Economic University (Vietnam), Sichuan University (China)

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Pages: 34-45
Keywords: Marketing Mix, Purchase Intention, Green Food, Consumers
Businesses are making efforts to implement green marketing to meet the needs of consumers and build a sustainable living environment. Many studies around the world have investigated the influence of marketing mix on green purchase behavior. In order to understand the impact of 7Ps tools of retail service marketing on Vietnamese consumers' green food purchase intention, this study surveyed 368 consumers and analyzed quantitative data. Research shows that 7Ps of green retail stores affect customers attitude and their attitude have impact on their purchase intention. This result is the basis for green food retailers in Vietnam to understand consumers and make more effective green marketing decisions.
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