Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 17 January 2020
Leadership: A Comprehensive Review of Literature, Research and Theoretical Framework
Sait Revda Dinibutun
American University of the Middle East, Kuwait

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Pages: 44-64
Keywords: Behavioral Approach, Contemporary Theories, Contingency Theories, Leadership, Servant Leadership, Trait Theories, Transactional Leadership, Transformational Leadership
This paper provides a comprehensive literature review on the research and theoretical framework of leadership. The author illuminates the historical foundation of leadership theories and then clarifies modern leadership approaches. After a brief introduction on leadership and its definition, the paper mentions the trait theories, summarizes the still predominant behavioral approaches, gives insights about the contingency theories and finally touches the latest contemporary leadership theories. The overall aim of the paper is to give a brief understanding of how effective leadership can be achieved throughout the organization by exploring many different theories of leadership, and to present leadership as a basic way of achieving individual and organizational goals. The paper is hoped to be an important resource for the academics and researchers who would like to study on the leadership field.
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