Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 24 May 2021
Study of Airport Service Quality and Profitability in Indonesia
Adi Nugroho
Pancasila University, Indonesia

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Pages: 172-188
Keywords: Airport, Service Quality, Purchase Intention
This study was about the Airport Service Quality (ASQ) measurement and its relation to profitability in the airport industry. The main purpose of this study was to develop an understanding of the ASQ measurement in Airports by investigating the relationships of service quality in terms of creating purchase intentions. In specific to ASQ, the surveys have been systematically carried out by many airport operators all over the world. ASQ has 8 components: access; check-in; passport/personal ID control; security; finding your way; airport facilities; airport environment; and arrival services. This is different from PZB’s (1985) Service Quality dimensions. This suggests that an effective process of measuring and analyzing passenger perceptions of ASQ is not easily achieved. These concerns are certainly relevant to avoid misinterpreting passenger perceptions. The measurement model should be considered for a multidimensional approach in the context of airport performance measurement regarding service quality.The study, however, included the perceptions of both international passengers and domestic concerning the current service levels, more specific was using the measurement model of Cronin and Taylor (1992). Cronin and Taylor (1992) say that perception alone is enough and even better than other models i.e, PZB (1988) model. This study analyzes whether passengers may stay longer in the airport, recommend the airport to other people or pay higher tax if they are satisfied with the service offers by airport. This also included an assessment the ability ASQ to explain the variation in repeat purchase intention including interaction among variables. The results of this study show ASQ has a moderately low effect of purchasing intentions.
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