Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 31 July 2024
The Roles of Employer Branding on Talent Attraction: The Case of Sungroup Vietnam
Vu Nhat Linh, Bui Duc Tho, Do Hoai Linh, Duong Thi Hoai Nhung
The General Investigation Team of Moc Chau District Police (Vietnam), National Economics University (Vietnam), Foreign Trade University (Vietnam)

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Pages: 103-118
Keywords: Talent Attraction, Employer Branding, Vietnam
The authors aim at investigating the roles of employer branding on talent attraction in company of emerging countries with the case of Sungroup Vietnam. By using questionnaires of 300 respondents, the paper found that attracting talent is essential since finding and hiring the right individuals is an essential part of any organization's business plan and directly affects the company's future success. Without the correct personnel, a company may experience issues with low production, poor decision-making, and uninspired staff. This decision was based on the role of corporate image in human resource management, the current situation of talent competition in the period of industrialization and modernization, and the current situation of human resource management at Sun Group Vietnam. Based on these findings, recommendations were proposed to enhance the impact of employer branding on talent acquisition within the firm.
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