Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 10 May 2021
Trade-Off Theory and Pecking Order Theory: Evidence from Real Estate Companies in Vietnam
Hoang Duc Le, Nguyen Quang Viet, Nguyen Huaong Anh
National Economics University (Vietnam), Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology (Vietnam)

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Pages: 79-94
Keywords: Trade-Off Theory, Pecking Order Theory, Capital Structure
This study was implemented with the goal of testing the validity of trade-off theory and pecking order theory in determining the capital structure in 50 listed real estate companies in Vietnam. The result of this study shows that the pecking order theory is the more approriate and should be applied for the listed real estate companies in Vietnam, and be the informative document for those firms to take into account the relevant theory to adjust their own capital structure, so that they can raise their own competitiveness and continue the development of the business
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