Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 10 December 2021
Workplace Spirituality, Perceived Organizational Support, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Ana Mariana, Bram Hadianto, Nur Nur, Catherine Suyanto
Maranatha Christian University, Indonesia

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Pages: 23-33
Keywords: Workplace Spirituality, Perceived Organizational Support, Organizational Citizenship Behavior
This research investigates the effect of workplace spirituality and perceived organizational support on the organizational citizenship behavior of the employees working at one of the factories in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. The number of employees becomes the population is 404, and the total samples are 198, obtained by the Isaac and Michael formula and taken by simple random technique. Moreover, we utilize the survey and structural equation model based on covariance to receive the responses from the employees through questionnaires and analyze the proposed effects through hypothesis examination. To conclude, this research demonstrates that workplace spirituality is needed to enhance employees' organizational citizenship behavior level. Meanwhile, perceived organizational support does not. Based on this evidence, some implications are also discussed.
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