Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 06 March 2023
Checklist for Better and Simply Register: Bandung Knee Orthopaedic Sport Checklist
Ghuna Arioharjo Utoyo, Muhamad Anggi Montazeri
Padjadjaran University, Indonesia

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Pages: 40-46
Keywords: Checklist, Knee, Orthopaedic, Sport Medicine
Background: There were various complaints may present in the sports orthopedics clinic with different etiologies and treatment plans. To simplify the identification, diagnosis, and evaluation of knee joint complaints, a checklist form was developed. It is intended to be used in sports orthopedics for registration of patients with knee joint complaints. This study aimed to develop a checklist in sports orthopedics for registration of patients with knee joint complaints to simplify the identification, diagnosis, and evaluation of knee joint complaints. Methods: This was a qualitative study conducted at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital from April to May 2020. There were three aspects considered which include physical aspects, anatomical aspects and content aspects. This form was developed through existing medical records and brainstorming of consultants. Results: The form consisted of several sections which include history of disease, physical examination, MRI findings, treatment plans, postoperative rehabilitation and evaluation. History of the disease consisted of the chief complaints, etiology and onset. Physical examination includes the examinations to assess ligament laxity. Treatment plans were divided into conservative and operative. Operative treatment was further elaborated into technique, graft and implant type, and findings during the operation. Rehabilitation was including the use of crutches, knee braces and the type of physiotherapy that the patient must undergo. And lastly were postoperative complaints. Conclusions: The registration form is developed with the intention of creating a uniformed format of report thus simplifying and make ease of future evaluations by every consultant. Therefore, these checklists can be used for any orthopaedic consultant.
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