Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 11 October 2021
Clinical Review and Management of Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders with Epithelial Dysplasia
Mustafa Mohammed Abdulhussain, Ali Sami Muhsin
Mustansiriyah University, Iraq

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Pages: 1-5
Keywords: Malignant Lesions, Premalignancy, Epithelial Dysplasia, Carcinoma, Risk Factors
Background: Oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMDs) comprise any disorders, tumors, in addition to any microscopic alterations that have a risk of malignant development of cancers of the mouth. When epithelial dysplasia is detected in an oral lesion, it is termed as a precancerous lesion. Finding: Several changes in the color or thickness of normal oral mucosa might be detected during the clinical diagnosis of the oral lesions. Leukoplakia of the oral cavity is a clinical name for one of the most predominant OPMDs of the oral mucosa. When comparing oral examination with naked eyes to planning to apply staining with special stain or using an image of optical fluorescence, the incidence of patients with oral epithelial dysplasia may rise, as well as the clearing of the lesion boundary. Increased size of more than 2cm2, the presence of colored regions with a red hue, the presence of lichenoid process characteristics, and severe epithelial dysplasia are all considered risk factors. One-third of premalignant lesions may progress to cancer, whereas the other two-thirds may stay stable or regress without progressing to malignancy. Conclusion: It is critical to research the patients' unique characteristics, which include psychological, genetic, dietary, and dental problems. When epithelial dysplasia is present in an oral lesion, it is termed a precancerous lesion. Oral potential malignant diseases with epithelial dysplasia may or may not develop into carcinoma and may or may not be recurrent.
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