Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 09 December 2018
Oral Motor Difficulties and Speech Intelligibility in Bangla Speaking Children with Down syndrome
Mohammad Kamrujjaman
State College of Health Sciences, Bangladesh

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Background: Many children with Down syndrome have low intelligibility due to oral motor problems and some related factors. Purposes: The present study was conducted to find out the oral motor difficulties and speech intelligibility in Bengali speaking children with Down syndrome. Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out by a structured parental questionnaire with an Intelligibility Context Scale (ICS). Among 82 children with DS comprising 42 boys and 40 girls took part in this study. Results: The Maximum (41.5%) age range was 9-13 years old (41.5%) where a greater percentage (82.9%) of children with DS had delayed speech and most of them developed one word at 3 years old. The majority (40.7%) of the DS was reported with large or big tongue. Results also indicated that a high percentage of the children with DS had not a good oral motor movement. However, there were significant relationship (P=.019<0.05, .010<0.05, .003<0.05) between oral motor difficulties with lip, tongue, and jaw movement, but there was not a significant relationship between gender and intelligibility scale. Highly significant relationship (P= 0.000<0.05) was found between oral motor difficulties and speech intelligibility and positive co-relation (P= 0.040<0.05) initiated between age and speech intelligibility score. Conclusion: A high prevalence (72%) of oral motor difficulties was found in Bangla speaking children with DS & oral motor control, speech delay and oral cavity structure were the responsible factors to interrupt speech intelligibility.
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