Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 28 December 2021
Socio-cultural Conceptions and HIV-related TB among Haitian Immigrants in Broward County, Florida: A Brief Historical Insight, 1995-2002
Rhodner J. Orisma
University of Abomey-Calavy, Benin

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Pages: 113-137
Keywords: TB, HIV-related TB, AIDS, Transmission, Socio-cultural Conceptions, DOT, MDR
This study deals with tuberculosis (TB), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in Broward County, South Florida. Theoretically, it demonstrates the existing co-infection between TB and HIV that provokes HIV-related TB or AIDS. Additionally, it indicates that AIDS is provoked by HIV co-infection with all opportunistic infections. Nine (9) qualitative interviews and one focus group conducted with 12 Haitian patients and TB control program workers at Fort Lauderdale Health Care Center allowed to understand the connection between TB and HIV, and the patients’ socio-cultural conceptions about HIV-related TB. Then, the study reveals that the prevalence of TB and HIV-related TB has every year a dramatic increase among foreign-born individuals including Haitian residents. To determine this prevalence, the Broward County Health Department charts of 778 reported TB and HIV co-infection cases for the last 6 years were analyzed along with the qualitative interviews. Finally, the study shows that the indicated prevalence is due to both Haitian immigrants’ socio-cultural conceptions and reactions vis-à-vis the TB screening, prevention measures, and treatment.
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