Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 22 August 2023
Systematic Review in Population-Based General Understanding Surveys of Stroke Perception, Potential Risks, Treatments, and Perspectives for a Correlative Study on Public Awareness Between Different Age Groups and their Lifestyles
Nathakorn Pattanakul, Pratchayapong Yasri
Bangkok Christian College, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi

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Pages: 64-80
Keywords: Stroke, Public Awareness, FAST Guideline, Stroke Knowledge Levels, Lifestyles, Age Groups
Background: Stroke is a major public health concern that may affect a patient's physical performance and ability to perform fundamental daily duties. Understanding the fundamentals of stroke is crucial for lowering mortality and disability rates among patients, as it allows for the preparation of a rapid and effective treatment and the comprehension of the therapy and treatment process following a stroke. Methods: A survey was distributed to 122 individuals, including 24.6% of high school pupils (12-17), 25.4% of young adults (18-25), 16.4% of adults (26-40), and 33.6% of middle-aged adults (41-60). After completion of data gathering, descriptive analysis was carried out. Results: the outcomes revealed that most participants scored higher on the general comprehension questionnaires than on the technical section. Notably, the level of comprehension of middle-aged adults (x = 9.50) appeared to be the highest. Moreover, those with direct experience with stroke or direct contact with stroke patients had a greater understanding of the disease and its treatment (x = 9.05, p = 0.08) than those without such experience/contact (x = 8.00, p = 0.08). Nevertheless, according to statistical analysis, there was a positive correlation between the age range of participants and their disease awareness. However, the self-care conducted was mostly found in adolescence. Discussion: Therefore, it is necessary for government organizations to encourage awareness and education about fundamental treatments that can assist individuals in avoiding possible risk factors by implementing the FAST guideline simultaneously with a public education effort on stroke response. The greater the number of individuals who comprehend the method for coping with the disease, the greater their protection against the disease.
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