Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 04 March 2019
Thyroid Abnormalities Profile of Children Aged 0-1 Years Through Biomarker Examination
Retno Martini Widhyasih, Dewi Inderiati
Ministry of Health Polytechnic Jakarta III

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Thyroid disorder is a non-communicable disease that has the potential to become a public health problem. One endocrinological abnormality that is often found in children is hypothyroidism, which is a condition due to reduced or no production of thyroid hormones. The aim is to evaluate the profile of thyroid abnormalities in children aged 0-1 years at RSAB Harapan Kita by reviewing the results of biomarker examination. Retrospective research design using secondary data at Harapan Kita Hospital Jakarta. The total of medical record was 157 data from January 2015-August 2016. Data analysis of TSH and fT4 biomarker examination results. Diagnosis of thyroid abnormalities can be done by stimulating thyroid hormone (TSH) biomarker examination, free thyroxine (fT4) which is useful as a biomarker for monitoring, detection, or therapy as early as possible in infants or children who are suspected or have experienced growth and development disorders. The study found 51% Euthyroidism, 23% subclinical hypothyroidism, 13% TSH mediated hyperthyroidism condition, 5% secondary hypothyroidism, 4% primary hypothyroidism, and 4% subclinical hyperthyroidism. From medical records, 20.4% were diagnosed with hypothyroidism, 12.7% developmental disorders, 20.1% down syndrome and 40.8% with a diagnosis of other diseases. The diagnosis of thyroid disorder, especially hypothyroidism, is found at 4-12 months of age as much as 22.8% and 8.9% at the age of 0-3 months. These results show that if management or follow-up of treatment and therapy in patients do not do early can cause permanent retardation of growth and mental development. One of the keys to the success of the treatment of children with thyroid disorders is by early detection through laboratory tests and treatment before children are one year old.
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