Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 30 October 2019
To Evaluate Cerebral Infarction Among Hypertensive Patients on Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Ayesha Abdul Rauf Toor, Anmol Abdul Malik, Zunaira Ghouri, Aliza Nadeem, M. Ahmad Nisar, M. Gulraiz Khan, Hasham Hanjra, Humaira Rauf
The University of Lahore, Pakistan

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Pages: 454-461
Keywords: Magnetic Imaging Resonance, Cerebral Infarction, Perfusion Weighted Imaging, Diffusion-Weighted Imaging, Hypertension
Background: cerebral infarction among Hypertensive patients is very common that increases the complications of mortality in later age. This study aimed to rule out cerebral infarction among hypertensive patients on Magnetic resonance imaging. Objective: To Evaluate cerebral infarction among hypertensive patients on MRI. Methods: The study will be conducted in 162 hypertensive patients including both Male and female. To assess Cerebral infarction it will be acquired on MRI Results: we separated the subjects on the basis of their age (40-91 years). We grouped the same subjects on the basis of their sex (77 males, 47.5% & 85 females, 52.5% ) calculating their frequency and percentage respectively. The mean values among the age of patients and the standard deviation in subjects is 67.35±10.937. The Frequency and percentage of patients complaining showed that vertigo ( 11.7%), Diabetes Mellitus (45.1 %), Dementia (4.3%) appeared with Cerebral Infarction. We Produced a table where we separated infarction on the basis of NO infarction (53.7%) Numbers of infarction One (16.7%), Two (2.5%) and Multiple (27.2%) collectively (46.4%) Appeared with cerebral infarction among hypertensive patients. The results indicated that 46.4% appeared with cerebral infarction triggerd by hypertention and that hypertension can be the cause of cerebral infarction and can lead to morbidity and mortility particularly in adults. Conclusions: These results show that hypertension can be the cause of cerebral infarction and can lead to morbidity and mortility particularly in adults. This study incorporates up to the minute data regarding cerebral infarction among hypertensive patients on magnetic resonance imaging it is the modality of choice for imaging cerebral infarction. It provided a trend that needs to be validated with further studies and analysis on a bigger population
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