Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 03 May 2023
Contextualizing and Infusing Gross National Happiness (GNH) Values Through Teaching Primary Schools Mathematics: Approaches and Relevancy
Purna Bahadur Subba, Bijoy Hangmo Subba, Yadu Prasad Adhikari
Samtse College of Education at the Royal University of Bhutan (Bhutan), Samtse Higher Secondary School (Bhutan)

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Pages: 46-61
Keywords: GNH, Contextualization, Infusion, Identify, Approaches, Relevancy
This paper presents approaches and relevancies of contextualizing and infusing GNH values through teaching primary school Mathematics at Samtse, Bhutan. Teachers and principals of four primary schools were interviewed, classroom teachings were observed, and the relevant documents were studied. Findings confirmed contextualizing and infusion of core GNH values and higher degree GNH values are practised depending on their suitability and feasibility; teachers` most persistent difficulties are how to contextualize GNH values in Mathematics lessons, and infuse the values through teachings; through teaching GNH values students` temptation towards unsocial activities and unreachable materials are reduced, on other hands their positive behaviours, openness, and being responsible are enhanced. This study is important for all because it provides significant insights: teaching GNH values promotes principles of GNH values and holistic education, inculcates primarily required moral values, and maintains peace and harmony in society. Although no demerits of teaching GNH values were reported, the resilience of the practice of contextualizing and infusing GNH values through teaching Mathematics has been found weak.
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